
I am soooooooooooooooooooo over it. When you wake up in the morning and realize that you have the gobble neck, that’s when you know shit is rough. I often wonder where did time and my body go? Did it run off with my sanity and freedom? Did it sneak off with my stability? Did it hide from me because Love hit me and I was all in? How the fuck did about 140 pounds attach itself to me like a germ? Who is responsible for this? Is McDonalds or Kobe’s Japanese Steak House? The movie  theaters with there over priced items?  Or is it that damn bag of kettle sweet and salty popcorn I bought at the seven eleven? Yep that’s probably it. Now I gotta get this shit off.


Fuck me and this extra person…………I closed my eyes and click my heels three times. Eyes open, fuck I am still two peoples.

Sucking and Sucking Hard


“Part of the problem with the word ‘disabilities’ is that it immediately suggests an inability to see or hear or walk or do other things that many of us take for granted. But what of people who can’t feel? Or talk about their feelings? Or manage their feelings in constructive ways? What of people who aren’t able to form close and strong relationships? And people who cannot find fulfillment in their lives, or those who have lost hope, who live in disappointment and bitterness and find in life no joy, no love? These, it seems to me, are the real disabilities.”
Fred Rogers, The World According to Mister Rogers: Important Things To Remember

Everyone has a sob story. Yeah it’s true. Even if the sob story is narcissistic and selfish, everyone has a sob story. Everyone has felt that inability to be seen or heard by the person they want most. Experienced the rise and fall of not making “the team”, making that friend, not being a part of the “in crowd”, being smart enough, strong enough, or not understanding why things seem to always work out for others and not so much for “you”! There is no denying that life can suck and suck hard. On the other hand life can be lustrous and beautiful and blessed. However, I want to talk about the sucking hard part.

Graduation! It comes and it goes. Not high school but College. Is it forgivable for me to hold a grudge at those closest to me?  If there was one time I wanted support it would have been this one. I don’t understand why one person getting sick and going to the hospital is just cause for everyone not being able to come to my graduation. Out of nine people invited only one showed up. I totally get that if you are a parent and have a child that gets sick and you want to take them to the hospital. However, there are two of you and you, as a unit,  made a big deal about MY graduation. Not one of you could show up? Not one of you could bring others who relied on you for a ride? C’mon if your eldest were graduating from school I know for a fact that at least one of you would have been there. Even if the same incident occurred with one of your other children getting sick. Hmmph, is  it wrong for me to have even giving you a ticket and getting my hopes up knowing that you probably wouldn’t come? See I suffer from numbness. It seems like every time I try to give this whole interaction thing a shot some bullshit occurs. I don’t want anyone to get the wrong idea I am truly grateful for the one person who showed up for me. Even the one person who walked beside me across the stage. There are no words for how that made me feel. What fucked me up and over though, was the fact that I wanted a group. Even if it were three people. I know some people don’t have anyone. But at the moment, I didn’t care. I just wanted my people to act like they care for me. Show in action that they are proud of me and really want the best for me. I was let down. I was hurt. I turned numb…..

During the week of my birthday one of my friends brother was in the hospital in critical condition. I was struggled with going to see him because it brought back some  unpleasant memories for me. I did however make it to see him and was glad that I did. Because the next day which was my birthday (yay me) he died. Can someone say SCREW ME! Just when someone close to me finally said, hey I want to do something for you for your birthday, especially without me asking. That was priceless. Now is it selfish of me for being hurt that my friend and my friends brother died. However,  at the same time  be mad that my bday is now going to be remembered as the day he died and now any plans that were in motion now stopped. Disappeared. Could things ever work out?

Imagine talking to a good friend every day. Calling and texting them and then all of a sudden it just stops. They are hanging out with other friends and doing fun things. Fun things that they use to do with you. Cause? I am not sure. Effect? I am starting to think did I say something offensive to my friend? No. Did I miss something important? No. Are there any major things going on in their life? Maybe. But if it is why would you not talk to your friend. The same could be said on why I chose to let things get as they were giving the fact that I wanted to reconnect with my friend. My good friend. Well let me answer that question. I gave up trying to chase and pry my so called friends to hang out with me. Or talk to me. Just like I find time for what I want to do in life, so do others. So instead I would reach out once or twice but then I would watch.

Sometimes, it just feels like life is not fair, but more specifically it isn’t fair to me. I should have the support I want without question. I should have the birthday I want without bullshit being a part of it all the time. Nothing should ever just stop with me. Things should always be in motion in a positive light. I shouldn’t have to feel alienated from friends. Especially since they are suppose to care. “Not caring” protects me from life and others who’s actions show they don’t care. That way I don;t have to be let down all the time. I don’t have to have expectations for certain things. I don’t have to let myself care or be vulnerable to people. I don’t have to worry about forming relationships with people or being accountable to multiple people. I don’t have to explain myself. Or construct sentences that are coherent when stating my feelings. I shouldn’t have to stand up for myself instead of just being respected. I shouldn’t feel comfortable in ughness. It is not right. I shouldn’t be scared all the time. Because I am wondering about the future, the present, my choices. I shouldn’t have to feel like I am the reason things happen to me. Someone should have showed me how to delay self gratification, how to be poised and praised, to feel good about yourself and how to think on the positive. Someone should have said you are worth the good things in life and not rely on others to say or even show that someone cares.

All in all, I am just letting it be known that life sucks sometimes. And it can really suck hard!


Love and Happiness

When I think of love and happiness I use to intertwined the two. However now I just see how unconnected they are. Love is sex and happiness is love which equals sex. Commitments are based on customization of rules made up  along the way. There is no such things as monogamy, just self.Just sex. Just Love. Just happiness.

“You Can’t Even Keep Up With A Bitch Like ME!”

Ok, so I am watching Basketball wives L.A. right? Asking myself how I got caught up in this reality t.v. bull. Jackie Christie, a.k.a. senior citizen, and Draya are having it out again about a luncheon. Jackie Christie has one thing under her belt. She is either someone that you love or you HATE! There is no way that you offer an apology and then say here I want to give you this Draya, and pulls out a sucker. “She playing with me”, Draya said and I concur she is truly sizing Draya. Mrs. Christie needs to get some friends her own age and stop trying to hang out with chicks that are twenty years younger than her.


There is no way that she has watched the show from season one and thinks she is as sane as she thinks. There is no way that Christie thinks she is shining a positive light on women coming together. There is no way that Mrs. Christie is promoting that she is an intellectually sound woman that has business ventures that have flourished. I mean who is this lady that says she misses her daughter terribly one minute. Then freaks out and says all “The Girls” need to get on their knees and gravel for her forgiveness. Absolutely not. I hope that someone close to her talks some sense into her.

Doesn’t she know she can force her daughter to want to take a back seat with their relationship.  Freaking out on her about little bullshit like kissing a boy. I mean c’mon dude she is grown. Don’t expect so much from your daughter. She is just that, your daughter. I mean Jackie might have good intentions but the motives behind her intentions don’t always paint a good picture of her. I would never want to involve myself with someone who is so full of knowledge and resources but can’t have a healthy relationship with someone. Especially if they aren’t in control.


My breakdown of Mrs. Jackie Christie goes as follows:

1. Insecure

2. Dramatic

3. Has been molested or raped some where in her childhood or adolescent life.

4. Anger issues, that can be worked out with therapy. I don’t think she needs medicine.

5. Fearful. I think she is scared of losing her life style and everyone that loves her.

6. Manipulative.

7. Friend-less, she has friends but they are few and far in between.

8. Faking it until she makes it (t.v, friends, marriage, confidence)

9. Independent.

10. Accomplished.

I would never want to denote that Jackie does some good things. However, I don’t think that she allows herself the space to be seen for herself in a light that shows her true color. When she is transparent. I hate that I am even wasting my energy on this craziness.

Another moment with reflections of that girl

College Cost

So for the first two years of school at a secondary institution I did really good. I did not accept any type of loans available to me. While most my friends were using their loan money for trips and new cars. I was working at subway earning about $6.79. Living with a roommate that I was friends with until her boyfriend came home from jail, six months after I moved in with her. One of the most interesting periods of my life. I so wished at this time that I was in the dorms with my fellow comrades. however certain things in my life would not permit so. Any who, when I transferred to a university I realized that I had to take out a few student loans in order to finish my education. Now I did have the choice to  take a break from school and just work a while and then pay my way through college  class by class. Or I could take out a few loans here and a few loans there to graduate school a little faster. Of course I chose to take the loans. Now I am facing about  $35,000.00 worth of debt before I even get a job that allows me to make at least $20,000-$30,000 a year. Not bad considering that most of my frinds owe like $60,000.00 or more, but come on. Where am I going to get this money from.

Which leads me to the reason i wanted to write this post in the first place. In the last several months I have read about these people who have paid off this tremendous amount of debt. More specifically college debt. I have read all of their strategies about how to let save and not buy things. Find free activities and all this other B. S. Then halfway through reading the article, I find that he/she has a great job making at least six figures. Now this is so not realistic when it comes to someone like me who is considered a part of the working class citizens of this country. When there is a story that talks about how a man/woman paid off $60,000 worth of debt with a job McDonald’s or who works for the city. I might be a little bit more hopeful about paying off a measly $35,000.00. People who have money can pay off debts faster than those who don’t have the resources to pay off debts. Say I have to say is college cost and I need real people like me to show up online on a social media site and talk about how they got rid of their debt. College debt!

Walk the Plank


“I had to get in touch with the source, I had to go back into my abandonment issues with my mother, I had to go into issues with my father I hadn’t even looked at before.”
Kenny Loggins

According to the free dictionary online, abandonment is defined as: To surrender one’s claim to, right to, or interest in; give up entirely. Why is this important? Its important because throughout the novel of my life, many chapters deal with a common theme. That theme would be ABANDONMENT! My only and current sexual relationship with my best friend just took an unusual turn for me. Our relationship is based off of brutal honesty. Not the mirage of honesty when people ask, do I look big in these pant? And the partner in the relationship says YES. No, I am talking about that you are falling off sexually and you need to get it together or we might not work out, type of honesty. Not saying that this was ever said in my relationship, however I am just trying to showcase the difference between what I think is Honest and Brutal Honesty. Any who, our relationship just took an unusual turn for me. I was just told recently by the person I lost my virginity to. The one and only person I have ever been in a real relationship with. The one and only person that has swam in this ocean of goodness (I boost my cookies up), that when it comes to sex I’m the best he’s ever had. Yet he likes his ego stroked by others. Now I don’t want anyone to think that this dude cheats on me, especially on a consistent basis. I guess our relationship would be one of those cliche statements like, “you would have to be there type of  thing”. What I will say at this point however, is that this statement at this particular time in our relationship, really tore me up.

To admit that I am an emotional individual is not something I take pride in all the time. I mean I would hate to admit that I truly wear my heart on my sleeve, what ever that means. So for me when my partner told me he likes his ego stroked by others it boggles the fuck outta me. To know that no matter how many times I explain to him I love him or that he is great at this and that. Or even that I try my best in different, sometimes not successful ways, to show my support for him. Especially those moments where he needs to know he’s lame for doing x,y, and Z. That it’s not enough. Now don’t get me wrong having a consensus of opinions about different things from different people is a natural thing. I am just concerned because when those opinions about other things like relationships and sex comes up, it truly makes me wonder.

I haven’t had the best relationship with either parent of mine. I haven’t always lived with both parents of mine in my life. I was either with a grandmother or some cousins or even my beloved Godmother from time to time. So when I find someone who has been a consistent figure in my life and can break past the barbwire of my fucking heart. It is quite amazing and scary at the same time. It is scary for me because I give my s/o unconditional trust. Why, because he gives me unconditional honesty. Brutal honesty, can do two things. It can build someone up or tear them to pieces. I love the brutal honesty because it gives me freedom to make a choice and decide if I am OK with this or that in life. So when ego- stroked- by- others… all I heard during this confessional of honesty, came up….I immediately created a scientific comparative model of what I think that means. I mean all my systems glitched up for a few minutes. I freaked out. My synapses weren’t functioning properly in the brain. I heard he’s leaving me too or abandoning me too. At that moment it became crystal to me that I am a product of abandonment and somewhere in my world fences are trained to go up when this theme arises. Its my coping mechanism from the cold world. My force field that protects me from anyone who thinks they are going to just step all over me and make me feel like shit! When I heard my s/o express himself to me, for that moment I became selfish and wondered was he too going to walk the plank in my life. Is he one that is going to “jump ship”? Is it just a matter of time? I think about some of my friends and how they would react  if I were to tell them how this convo between me and my s/o went down. “Girl you should leave him”, “Tell him how would he feel if you got your ego stroked by another man”, “Is he cheating on you?”, “I told you from the beginning what you should have done”, and one of my favorites “you have to teach your man”. All of these things are laughable to me. Because when you are a part of something so authentic and pure nothing is black and white and read all over.

Hope this was some clear insight into the many layers of my life and thoughts. Stay tuned from more of reflectionsofthatgirl!

Whitney Houston Dead at 48

The story broke today that Whitney Houston, power house, died February 11, 2012. She was found in her hotel room at the Beverly Hills Hilton. At this point in time the cause of death is unknown(“Whitney Houston dead:,” 2012) . The past few years some of the greats have be ushered to the other side of life. Including Bernie Mac, Etta James, Micheal Jackson and now Whitney Houston. I was an 80’s baby so I got to see Whitney at some pivotal heights in her career. I got to experience the good, bad and ugly (Bobby Brown) with the rest of the world. I was smitten by the Bodyguard and then blown away at The Preachers Wife.  I will truly miss her voice and encouraging presence.


I wonder how Bobbi Christina Brown feels? I know how I felt when my mom died. It is evident that in times of struggle Whitney found hope and strength in religion. This woman has sold million of records, received two Emmy Awards, six Grammy Awards and a plethora of other accolades. Drug abuse was a public thing and something she acknowledged (“Whitney Houston dead:,” 2012). Yet, the world was still on her side. There might have been some shrugged shoulders as to if she will ever make a complete come back or not. However the impact she has in the lives of everyday people and people in the music industry is priceless.   loved Whitney and wished that I could have met her at least once in life.  Now I can just send my love to her in spirit and prayers to her family. stay tuned in to reflection of that girl who writes it all down.

Source: Whitney Houston dead: Singer dies at 48 . (2012, February 11). HUFFINGTON POST CELEBRITY. Retrieved from

It’s Not Valentine’s Day Yet

So today I leave work and come home to a Valentine’s Day card from my step mother. Since I know that you don’t know any back drop behind the significance of this, let me try to explain this to you. This lady, my step-mother, burned my clothes when I was younger. She convinced my father that I wasn’t a virgin, even though I was. She persuaded my father to abuse his kids. This woman constantly talked about how great her kids were and how my siblings and I weren’t good enough to be dirt. The list continues. So for me to receive a card from her after years of dysfunction baffles me. The card reads, “Hi miss _____, I love you very much. Talk to you later. Stay cool in school. I am going back to ____for a long time so I will see you when I come back. Love ya!”
Miss *stepmom*.

I wonder all kinds of things. Mainly, what would make her send me of all people a card? What would make her say she loves me? How could she not know there are things she put me through that I can’t even imagine I would have went through? I think maybe she is going to prison. I think maybe her and my dad are getting a divorce. I wished that a lot in my teenage years. After a while, I just let that hope die. I became aware that my dad’s life is his own and I don’t have to accept anything than what I deserve in a “home”. Which was not a safe and nurturing environment for me. It stifled my creativity and self expression. It aided in barriers when it came to relationships and trust. I experienced hate for the very first time in my life when I lived with my dad and stepmom. So again I ponder what was the motivation behind the Valentine’s Day card. Is this an apology? Probably not. I wonder inside myself should I throw this card away. The strings of my heart say no. If I am receiving things like this from people who bashed me less than a decade ago before Valentine’s Day. I am just holding my breath to see what is to come on the day itself. Please stay tuned in to reflection of that girl.