
I am soooooooooooooooooooo over it. When you wake up in the morning and realize that you have the gobble neck, that’s when you know shit is rough. I often wonder where did time and my body go? Did it run off with my sanity and freedom? Did it sneak off with my stability? Did it hide from me because Love hit me and I was all in? How the fuck did about 140 pounds attach itself to me like a germ? Who is responsible for this? Is McDonalds or Kobe’s Japanese Steak House? The movie  theaters with there over priced items?  Or is it that damn bag of kettle sweet and salty popcorn I bought at the seven eleven? Yep that’s probably it. Now I gotta get this shit off.


Fuck me and this extra person…………I closed my eyes and click my heels three times. Eyes open, fuck I am still two peoples.